October Cuba Prayer Requests

Praise God

Give thanks that amid economic crisis, lack of food and medical supplies, Los Pinos Nuevos (LPN) churches seek to help with the material and spiritual needs of their communities.

Thank the Lord for the leadership of LPN president Josué Villar Acosta.


Prayer Requests

Pray for LPN pastors, their wives and children.  Ask the Lord to keep them strong in faith and safe from evil.  Pray their marriages will be strong and their children will know Jesus as Saviour.

Continue to pray for churches without pastors.  Over a million Cubans have left the country in the past 2 years, including a great many pastors.  Ask the Lord to raise up new pastors and leaders.

Pastor Norlen asks we pray for the spiritual health of the church in Vázquez.  Pray it would be relevant in the community, grow and multiply as they share Christ’s love.

Pray as the Vázquez church plants new churches in three locations. They have 3 small groups meeting.  Pray for more workers for these ministries and for open hearts as the gospel is shared.

The economic crisis in Cuba has led to poverty and sickness.  Ask the Lord to help LPN churches care for those who truly need their help, especially children and the elderly.

Pray that the Vázquez Church will be able to raise enough money to be able to do repairs to their building.  It has not had any major maintenance since its construction.

Lift in prayer lay leaders who are being trained and mentored to serve in their churches.  Pray they will learn to depend on the Holy Spirit as they minister.

Pray for those evangelizing in the city of Fomento.  Ask the Lord to lead them to people with open hearts, ready to receive the message of salvation.  Pray for boldness to share Christ with others.

Lift in prayer LPN lay leaders, pastors, denominational leaders and seminary staff.  Ask the Lord to use them to guide His church and to prepare new leaders to serve in local churches and church plants.  Pray each one will depend upon the Holy Spirit for leading and strength.

               President                                  Josué Villar
               VP - Churches and Pastors      Elvis Cancio
               VP - Regions and Districts      Michel Rodrígue
               VP - Missions                          Yalexis Sánchez
                VP - Seminarty                       Jaisel Piñeiro
                VP - Ministries                       Liuben Castillo
                Exec Committe Facilitator     Pedro Valdés
                Treasurer                                 Dayan Castro
                Secretary                                 Michel Alcántara
                Voices                                      Reidy Palmero y Héctor Bermúdez

Thank you for your part in Cuba Ministry through your prayers.

These requests are also available as a PDF file at:   External link opens in new tab or windowhttps://1drv.ms/b/s!AnHqS_TqpzuFgotj5vYoQrIahnTgRQ?e=HyuK6y

Would You Like to Help?

Would you like to help with Cuba ministry expenses?  You can donate using World Team’s secure online donation system.  Follow the appropriate link below and in the blank for the missionary or project name insert one of the following projects.

    Where Most Needed in Cuba Ministries (40503)

    For the Los Pinos Nuevos Seminary  (40507)

    For the Cuba Van project (vehicle replacement)  (40544)

Donate at:

Australian Residents     External link opens in new tab or windowhttps://au.worldteam.org/giving/

Canadian Residents      External link opens in new tab or windowhttps://ca.worldteam.org/giving/

USA Residents             External link opens in new tab or windowhttps://us.worldteam.org/give/

External link opens in new tab or windowClick here to read The Cuba Report

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Would you like more information about Cuba Ministries?  

Or like to have Cuba prayer requests sent to you each month by e-mail?

Write to:  Gary.Clow@worldteam.org